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Hello and welcome to my site! I am Deletecat, a silly cat-person who's obsessed with technology :3

Newest post:

Fake Piracy Ads on Google's Ad Platform - 06/01/2024

They're not malicious in that they will harm your device, but you certainly won't get the result you were looking for. Click here to read more!

About me

Hello, I am Deletecat - or as I sometimes call myself, Snowcat. I have made this website to share some of my projects with the world, as well as being able to write guides or blog posts about things I am interested in! There are links at the top of this page which will direct you to my git repositories and fediverse accounts.

This page is best viewed with a computer and a monitor Tested on Firefox  Freeware spinny disc Gay flag Made with windows Hack your DSi NOW! Constellatory
